Avago (安华高科技)公司是一家设计、研发并向全球客户广泛提供各种模拟半导体设备的供应商,公司主要提供复合 III-V 半导体产品。Avago (安华高科技)在高性能设计和集成方面拥有超群的实力。Avago (安华高科技)的产品组合广泛多样,在以下四个主要目标市场中拥有约 6500 种产品,即:无线通信、有线基础设施、工业和汽车电子产品以及消费品与计算机外围设备。Avago (安华高科技)的产品在这些目标市场中可应用于移动电话、家用电器、数据联网与电信设备、企业存储和服务器、发电和再生能源系统、工厂自动化、显示器、光学鼠标以及打印机。
Avago (安华高科技)已拥有 50 年历史的创新经验,一直可追溯到原来尚属惠普公司时。经过多年的发展,Avago (安华高科技)已拥有一支 2000 余名设计和产品工程师组成的团队,并在全球范围内拥有高度合作化的设计和产品开发资源。Avago (安华高科技)开发了大量拥有知识产权的产品系列,目前其中包括超过 5000 项美国及其它国家的专利及专利申请。Avago (安华高科技)拥有业内最好的准时交付记录,我们卓越的全球经销网络可为我们约 40000 家实力型企业的多元化终端客户群提供更好的服务。Avago (安华高科技) 在纳斯达克全球精选市场上市,代码为 AVGO。
Avago (安华高科技)提供模拟、混合信号和光电器件及子系统,主要包括光电产品、射频/微波器件及企业ASIC三大类产品。自1999年从HP分拆出来,Avago (安华高科技)在这三大类产品上就一直拥有一群忠实客户。
Avago (安华高科技)的总部分别设在美国加州圣何塞和新加坡,目前拥有6,500名员工,其中1,000名为模拟电路设计工程师。Avago (安华高科技)在亚洲拥有超过35年的经营历史,目前,约有四分之三的员工位于亚洲,并且绝大部分的产品也是在亚洲生产的。Avago (安华高科技)在亚洲的投入使其更加贴近客户的需求和全球电子产品供应链中心。此外,Avago (安华高科技)还在世界各地拥有强大的设计和产品开发资源,并在亚洲设有六个设计中心、在美国设有四个设计中心,在欧洲设有两个设计中心。
Avago (安华高科技)已被Broadcom Corporation收购。Broadcom 技术改变了世界联系和沟通的方式。作为全球创新的先行者, Broadcom 为互联的世界设计半导体解决方案。客户可能从来没有看到过 Broadcom 的产品,但是,在使用智能手机、 在家或在工作单位使用无线网络、流传输音乐或电影、或者连接到通过云端数据中心传输的内容时,他们每天都依赖 Broadcom 的技术。
Avago Technologies is a designer, developer and global supplier of products based on analog and digital semiconductor technologies within four primary markets: wired infrastructure, wireless communications, enterprise storage, and industrial & others.
Tan Hock Eng is the company's president and CEO. The company is headquartered in San Jose, California. Avago took the Broadcom part of the Broadcom Corporation name after acquiring it in January 2016. The ticker symbol AVGO that represented old Avago now represents the new merged entity. The Broadcom Corporation ticker symbol BRCM was retired.
The company was founded in 1961 as a semiconductor products division of Hewlett-Packard. The division separated from Hewlett-Packard as part of Agilent Technologies in 1999. KKR and Silver Lake Partners acquired the chip division of Agilent Technologies in 2005 for $2.6 billion and formed Avago Technologies. Avago Technologies agreed to sell its I/O solutions unit to PMC-Sierra for $42.5 million in October 2005. In August 2008, the company filed an initial public offering of $400 million. In October 2008, Avago Technologies acquired Infineon Technologies' Munich-based bulk acoustic wave business for €21.5 million. In 2009, Avago Technologies went public on NASDAQ with the ticker symbol AVGO. Avago Technologies announced its agreement to acquire CyOptics, an optical chip and component supplier, for $400 million in April 2013. The acquisition aimed to expand Avago Technologies' fiber optics product portfolio. In October 2013, Avago Technologies invested $5 million in Amantys, power electronics technology provider, as part of a strategic investment agreement between the two companies. Avago Technologies announced its agreement to acquire LSI Corporation in December 2013 for $6.6 billion. The acquisition helped move Avago Technologies away from specialized products and towards a more mainstream industry, which included chips, especially storage for data centers.
The company sold its SSD controller business to Seagate in May 2014. In August 2014, the company was the ninth largest semiconductor company. Avago Technologies agreed to sell LSI's Axxia Networking business to Intel for $650 million. The company also agreed to buy PLX Technology, an integrated circuits designer, for $309 million. In February 2015, it was announced that Avago Technologies Limited had reached an agreement to acquire Emulex Corporation for $8 per share in cash.
On 28 May 2015, Avago announced that it would buy Broadcom Corporation for $37 billion ($17 billion cash and $20 billion in shares). The combined company, which would be named Broadcom Ltd., will have annual revenue of $15 billion and a market value of $77 billion. Broadcom Corp. will strengthen Avago Technologies' patent position significantly in sectors such as mobile, the data center and the Internet of Things and would make the company the ninth largest holder of patents among the top semiconductor vendors, according to an analysis by technology consulting firm LexInnova. According to the company's web site, the closing of the transaction completed on 1 February 2016.
In 2016, Broadcom proposed merging with Brocade Communications Systems. The merger was delayed for review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. In 2017, Broadcom announced it would relocate its legal address from Singapore to Delaware, which would avoid the review. This action was linked to the parent company being renamed from Broadcom Ltd. to Broadcom Inc. The pre-2016-merger Broadcom, Broadcom Corp., remains as wholly owned subsidiary, now of the parent Broadcom Inc.
In November 2017, Broadcom proposed to purchase Qualcomm for $130 billion USD, which was rebuffed by Qualcomm's board. President Trump blocked the revised $117 billion merger by an executive order that cited national security concerns.
On July 11, 2018, news sources reported that Broadcom and CA Technologies agreed on terms for $18.9 billion acquisition
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